Marriage is an important decision in one’s life that can completely transform the ongoing life of a native. Marriage, a sacred relation whereby two people vow to bear good and bad periods of life together, is undergoing a drastic change. The old perceptions and traditional scenarios have turned upside down with changing times. Today, both males and females are financially independent and no longer wish to suppress their desires under the burden of an unwanted married relation in the name of age-old traditions. The trend is evident in increasing cases of separation and divorce all over the country. This was predominantly the western culture, but now even modern Indian couples don’t hesitate to break a marriage or relationship if it doesn’t satisfy their emotional needs.
Earlier, females had no choice but to drag the burden of an undesirable marriage under social and parental pressure. The times have changed NOW! But how far this trend of breakups and divorce is right? How relevant is to waste the resources and emotions that occurred in Big Fat Indian Weddings? Is it simple enough to move further in life while leaving responsibilities and sometimes even children behind? Humanity somewhere says No!
It is important to understand that no person on this Earth is bad, it is just the circumstances and mental attributes that make an individual bad. Of course! It is not a philosophical article, and we are heading to the importance that Astrology holds here. Astrology can save thousands (in fact, many more) of marriages with its most popular method of Kundli matching. Every person aspiring to get married must go for kundli matching. With changing times and modern mindsets, it is mandatory to look for the matching of the physical and mental attributes of the proposed couple. Believe us! This is the only way to stop our Indian traditions and values from going into pitfalls.
What is matchmaking?
Match-making is a horoscope matching by date of birth whereby both the kundli are checked for their mutual compatibility. The proposed partners' birth chart are checked under eight heads: Varna, Vashya, Tara, Yoni, grah, Gana, Bhakoota, and Nadi. Each of these heads has been given certain score or points making a total of 36 points. The kundlis have to pass these 8 tests and acquire points more than 18 to be considered as a good marriage. However, even 14 or more is an average match in unavoidable circumstances but not below than that. These 8 heads or ashtkoota milan check the partners' mental, physical, sexual, and behavioral compatibility. We understand how important these factors are for a successful marriage. If two partners with the same or complementing mindsets come together, they are supposed to live life more happily than others.
In matching of charts, the Moon plays the most dominant role along with the janm nakshatra it is placed in. The Moon is our mind and emotions, and it is through emotions that a soft relationship like marriage prospers.
Why match making is needed?
In Vedic astrology, the planetary combinations we are born with are believed to affect every aspect of our lives. The planets influence our personality, mindset, nature, character, mentality, behavior or in short, how the world perceives us and how we perceive it. Now, every person has a unique placement of planets and also a unique personality. No two people are the same so are their attributes. Thus, finding a life partner who complements our attributes to live a blissful and meaningful life becomes important. Hereby, match-making is needed so that we may determine the real self of the other person. Yes, the birth horoscope spills the beans!
The Matching of charts is needed-
⮚ To find the most compatible partner
⮚ To live a stress-free life
⮚ To focus better on other aspects of life like career etc.
⮚ To have a bliss of children
⮚ To strengthen our financial position
⮚ To grow and prosper in life
⮚ To avoid separation and divorce later
⮚ To avoid family clashes
⮚ To avoid parental interference
⮚ To have good mental and physical health
The connection between matchmaking and a strong financial position
Most of the points as mentioned above of marriage compatibility are easy to understand as an outcome of a successful marriage. But many of us must wonder how financial prosperity is related to a successful marriage? Let’s understand! The seventh house in a horoscope is a house of marriage, but it is also a house of your daily income resource or daily business. In order to have a successful or say, blissful marriage, the native is supposed to have a strong seventh house. The same strong seventh house gives strong daily income as well. Thus, it is said that by keeping your marriage in good shape you are actually keeping your daily income resources in good shape.
This is the reason we hear many people saying that marriage brings saubhagya to an individual. Saubhagya (fortune) or Durbhagya (misfortune) will depend upon the planets, houses and nakshatras. But one thing is sure that a marriage brings changes in your bhagya i.e. FORTUNE! To become fortunate, it is important to choose your life partner wisely after consulting a marriage astrologer or calculating your compatibility through kundli matching calculators.
The kundli matching calculators provide auto-generated results that may or may not be authentic at times. No machine can compare with the instincts and manual calculations of a learned astrologer who doesn’t take decisions superficially but goes deep inside. It is important to note that experienced astrologers like Vinay Bajrangi ji gives only 10-20% weightage to kundli Milan to come at the final decision at marry or not to marry. Hundreds of other things need to be checked along with kundli Milan, which is of course, the prime step towards a successful marriage. So, we advise you to take the most important decision of your life i.e., Marriage, with utmost care with no hurry at all. Go for kundli Milan and astrological advice doubtlessly. One bad decision is enough to ruin your whole life!